Posted: July 11, 2019
Often times I want God to call me to do things my way. I want Him to direct me to do the things I like to do. Often times I secretly hope that He does not call me to do other things because they scare me. I won't voice those things because time has taught me that when we voice those things we don't want God to call us to, those are the exact places He calls us to.
Right now, my church is reading the 7 Realities for Experiencing God book as a church and doing the group questions in our connect groups. So imagine my surprise (as someone who has gone through this book about 4 times) when on week 1 day 1 God spoke to me.
When God reveals what He is inviting us into, we need to adjust ourselves because it is not what we think we should be doing. I almost started laughing when I read today's reading as I am sitting in my hotel room in Rwanda... about to drive to Congo and thinking about how God has opened up doors for me to speak while in Congo and how much I despise speaking in public. It was a nice reminder of my own need to adjust myself to His will.
Today I am choosing to be flexible and adjust to his will. What is it that God is calling you to do? How do you need to adjust?